
ChronicleLive prides itself on delivering responsible, trusted journalism and is the biggest regional news site in the North East. We aim to celebrate and champion the region. This year we launched several campaigns, including Stop Knives Taking Lives following the loss of three young lives in just four months. We also led calls to save leisure centres at risk of closure.

When news breaks we’re dedicated to making sure our coverage is reliable and accurate. When the iconic Sycamore Gap tree in Northumberland was felled, rumours were spreading online with no confirmation. Our photographer was quickly at the scene to confirm it, and we were then first to provide verified live updates from the scene, with rolling coverage in a blog. It was one of our biggest days of the year for page views, with 1.5m. Search traffic was up 60% and loyal audience up 40%, showing we were the trusted site for people searching for the news and also for our most loyal readers.

We are proud to showcase all that is great about the North East. Our rural tourism reporter has been busy in Northumberland and County Durham covering the thriving staycation economy, visiting hidden gems and putting the spotlight on beautiful places